
Сообщения за апрель, 2018
Taklimakan Network ICO - Ваш компас в мире криптовалют и трейдинга. Финансовый мир в последние годы заметно изменился. Появление криптовалют привело к тому, что деньги стали восприниматься совершенно иначе. К примеру, ICO позволяет за считанные часы или дни собрать необходимую сумму средств на запуск какого-то проекта. Сам криптовалютный рынок представляет собой динамично развивающуюся структуру с высокой степенью волатильности. Люди понимают, что могут разбогатеть с помощью рынка криптовалют, но есть и осознание вероятности быстрой утраты капитала, особенно, если имеются определенные пробелы в знаниях. Пользователи стараются побывать на разных криптовалютных биржах, покупать и продавать, а также инвестировать в ICO, надеясь извлечь максимально высокую прибыль, однако часто их ждет настоящее разочарование. Основная концепция Компания Taklimakan Network создает специальную платформу, нацеленную именно на то, чтобы заработать крупный капитал на криптовалютной б
Equitybase Securities Token Platform power by blockchain Securities Token Platform power by blockchain Asset back tokenized investment and trading ecosystem Equitybase Real Estate platform is a new Ethereum Smart Contract based ecosystem that applies Block chain technologies to the global Real Estate investment industry . By lowering barriers to entry and increasing market liq uidity with transparent pricing, it will g iving greater access to global investment and fractional trading in Real Est ate industry . Equitybase will offer an effective and direct model of investing and se curing the value o f the existing 500 + Billion USD equivalent in cryptocurrency, to the less volatile and growing real e st ate market , by generating rental income, value appreciation and hedging. Stage 1 ICO ends in 30% Bonus March 20 , 2018 What is Equitybase? Worlds first Securities Token Ecosystem enable financing, investing and trading on the blockchain 30% Economists have state
EQUITYBASE - Optimizing Profits in Real Estate      Equitybase  Real Estate platform is a new Ethereum Smart Contract based ecosystem that applies Blockchain technologies to the global Real Estate investment industry. By lowering barriers to entry and increasing market liquidity with transparent pricing, it will giving greater access to global investment and fractional trading in Real Estate industry. Equitybase will offer an effective and direct model of investing and securing the value of the existing 500+ Billion USD equivalent in cryptocurrency, to the less volatile and growing real estate market, by generating rental income, value appreciation and hedging.    Equitybase has a basic arrangement: give everybody the chance to put straightforwardly in brilliant business land, with the liquidity of a stock and profit of a private value speculation joined with no secure period and no mediator. Equitybase will offer a broadened land speculation stage accessible specifically
Solving Small Business Cash-Flow Problems with Accessible and Low Interest Financing Traditional invoice financing is based on a financier purchasing invoices from the seller. In return, the financier agrees to advance monies to the seller against each invoice. The buyer who purchased the seller’s products must pay the invoices directly to the financies. Invox Finance Pty Ltd was founded by members of the ABR Finance Pty Ltd team, a successful invoice financing company based in Australia. As our team is currently undergoing an expansion phase, please visit our website (www.invoxfinance.io) for the most up to date information on our team What is the key issue with traditional Invoice Financing? The key issue with traditional invoice financing is that the financier purchasing an invoice from the seller and advancing the funds against it does not have a direct relationship with the buyer. The financier solely trusts the information provided by the seller. As a result, the r
Invox Finance - Ico review (INVOX) Review Project If you think that Invox Finance is just another service or website with a focus on invoice financing, then you are hugely mistaken. Sure, the basic focus and idea is about invoice transaction with the hope that cash flow will remain healthy and strong. And the development team in this platform is determined to create a smart system and technology so the overall transaction can be simple and easy. Traditional vs Modern Invoice Financing In the traditional invoice financing, business owners will sell out the invoices to financiers, and buyers will have to pay off their invoices to the financiers. It is basically a simple relationship between business owners, buyers, and financiers. Unfortunately, in this traditional method, it is only the financiers and business owners who make direct interaction. Buyers are left clueless – they usually have no ideas of any deal between the financiers and the business owners. When