
Сообщения за май, 2018
Global REIT [ICO] What is Global REIT? Global REIT is the first ever Blockchain-Based Sharia-Compliant REIT to be launched in the market. It works on the same mechanism as traditional REITs. REITs as you know offer dividends to its unit holders based on the income of its Assets under Management. Each subscriber will get 2 tokens upon subscription " - GREM - GRET Both GREM & GRET tokens are utility tokens & will provide future access to all its Assets under Management. Where token holders will receive discounts and benefits. Global REIT is welcoming its subscribers to participate both in the Fund Manager (GREM) returns as well as the income on the Assets under Management (GRET). Global REIT is the first ever Blockchain based Sharia-compliant REIT to be launched in the market. It is offering investors exposure to global real estate markets without the necessity of acquiring an entire property and shift the management and compliance obligations to the fund managemen
ENTRY MONEY Membawa Perubahan Baru dalam Metode Pelayanan Bank Sebuah Bank adalah lembaga keuangan yang menerima simpanan dari masyarakat dan menciptakan kredit.Kegiatan peminjaman dapat dilakukan baik secara langsung atau tidak langsung melalui pasar modal.Karena pentingnya mereka dalam stabilitas keuangan suatu negara,bank sangat diatur di sebagian besar negara.Sebagian besar negara telah melembagakan sistem yang dikenal sebagai perbankan cadangan fraksional di mana bank-bank memiliki aset likuid sama dengan hanya sebagian dari kewajiban mereka saat ini.Selain peraturan lain yang dimaksudkan untuk memastikan likuiditas, bank umumnya tunduk pada persyaratan modal minimumberdasarkan set standar modal internasional,yang dikenal sebagai Kesepakatan Basel. Sebuah bank dapat menghasilkan pendapatan dalam berbagai cara yang berbeda termasuk bunga,biaya transaksi dan nasihat keuangan.Secara tradisional, metode yang paling signifikan adalah melalui pengisian bunga atas modal yang d
Cryptosolartech ICO CryptoSolarTech это проект по разработке платформы для чистого, экологически и прибыльного использования с эффективными результатами. Он будет поставлять фотоэлектрическую установку, которая будет производить энергию, которая может достичь 45000 кВт эффективности. В своей полностью функциональной форме проект предусматривает, что Криптовалюта будет делать более энергоэффективными, чем когда-либо прежде. Во время Cryptosolartech ICO мы приобретем собственные Криптовалюты в ферме, где мы установим 3000 единиц оборудования для добычи Криптовалют в двух различных вариантах, чтобы оптимизировать рентабельность и обеспечить ферму собственной энергией с солнечной фотоэлектрической установки, установленной в провинции Севилья (Испания), эта энергия может быть распространена как услуга для компаний, занимающихся электроэнергией. Общественный блок Сети Ethereum используется для управления, генерации доходов и ввода в эксплуатацию физических активов, из которых сост
Fixy Network : Use of Cryptocurrency in Day To Day Life INTRODUCTION Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology remain the most annoying and revolutionary 21st century technology. Since the innovative creation of Bitcoin by the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto more than 3500 Cryptocurrency has been created. This is generated from the success of Bitcoin itself. Cryptocurrency was created to change and revolutionize the financial world as we know it, and blockchain technology was created to serve as  a validation mechanism. Since then, the technology has been applied not only to the financial sector of finance but also to other industries such as oil and gas, real estate, education, medicine and even law, just to mention a few. However, regardless of the annoying nature of cryptocurrency, and its invaluable benefits and  potential applications, it is still limited, under the unit, and highly volatile. The reason for underutilization is simply because it has no real use in eve
GREENBIT - The First Blockchain CRYPTOAGRO Ecosystem The world is going green and is sincerely driven towards the usefulness and gainful needs of which going green provides. This has lead to the eruption of the Greenbit decentralized blockchain platform on the cryptocurrency paradigm. Greenbit is here and now first and only definitive green platform that equips and presents all users such as those in the agro-based sectors. It is noted that the Greenbit stands as the first blockchain cryptocurrency agro-based currency on the decentralized crypto market. The platform is created with the futuristic node and prospects of bringing together farmers, agro merchants, agro-grocery stores with computational sequence involving the agro-allied industries and consumers. The platform is created in a manner that defines and balances the very framework of a reliable, transparent and flexible eco-system generally. The platform is configured by design as the only agro-based blockchain to harness
Ubcoin - new decentralized marketplace for buying/selling goods for cryptocurrency! 4 Our world is entering the age of globalization and information thus bringing new digital shopping trends and forcing the global financial system to start moving from a centralized economy to an economy with the decentralized ecosystem. It is not a secret that cryptocurrencies are widely accepted now and sooner or later they will gain the global adoption as a specific payment method for products and services. More and more merchants start accepting cryptocurrencies thus facilitating the development of the open-source blockchain projects. That is why there is no doubt that traditional payment methods will be partially replaced by services based on blockchain mechanisms. A good solution in the developing a global and decentralized marketplace for exchanging real goods for cryptocurrency and vice versa has been undertaken by the  Ubcoin project  which is an extension of the Ubank mobile applica