
Сообщения за июль, 2018
INSCOIN MAKES INSURANCE ACCESSIBLE TO THE WORLD INTRODUCTION Insurance is a means of protecting one self from financial loses and now we have life insurance, car insurance and other forms of insurance. Blockchain has make life easy for everyone and it is no more a new thing that the features of blockchain technology can be put into a real use in a more realistic way. Developers now solve real life problems making use of blockchain technology and with is accessible, openness and transparency people now accept this new options. The world has a huge population and this is still increasing on daily basis and with country like China, India and some other part of the world with huge population there is need to take care of huge number of people. For a business and people to be safe insurance is important as we have car insurance, life insurance and many more. This why INSCOIN bring insurance to people from every part of the world making use of blockchain technology. INSCOIN is mak
Humancoin is the cryptocurrency of kindness! About Humancoin Humancoin unites philanthropists and recipients of funds on a single P2P platform in the most convenient and transparent way possible. The blockchain platform fuelled by the “mined” Humancoin token will breathe new life into the charity industry, proving an engine of growth While at the same time becoming a premier global loyalty program for an increasing number of partners in e-commerce. Why own Humancoin? The Humancoin tokens can be easily convertible into any points, miles, bonuses, coupons. Token owners will be incentivized to hold them to take advantage of attractive benefits and this provides a long-term, stable demand for tokens As the number of partners and the scope of cooperation within the Humancoin Network grows, so does the popularity of the token The Proof of Charity “mining” concept allows the project to scale hundreds and thousands of times Unique features of Humancoin This is the
TITA Project ICO обзор платформы Привет, дорогие мои подписчики. Сегодня я хочу представить еще один интересный проект. Что такое TITA? Проект TITA принес уникальную и самую первую в своем роде идею. Проект TITA родился в Африке. Этот проект создает децентрализованный рынок однорангового рынка для товаров, продаваемых в глобальном масштабе, и готовой продукции, а также децентрализованного обмена криптоалкогольными активами в качестве двух основных экосистем TITA, все из которых оснащены технологией Blockchain для обеспечения прозрачности, безопасности , и простота финансового урегулирования любой торговой сделки в сети через национальные и международные границы. Какая проблема - решение TITA? Команда TITA решит серьезную проблему. В сегодняшнем мире централизованные торговые барьеры и структуры сократили торговые операции, косвенно ограничили доступ к сырьевым товарам, создали манипуляции с ценами со стороны руководящих органов и нарисовали товарный рынок как не достой
ICO & Bounty Opu Labs A simple online search for anything closely related to skin care will show you just how diverse and vaguely understood skincare is understood. There are all types of products and techniques touted to be effective in promoting skincare.  When you get lucky enough to find something that works, access cost will probably keep you from enjoying its benefits. This is assuming that you will have the necessary means of ensuring that the product works in the first place.  It is for such reasons that we decided to combine one of the most debated topics in healthcare with the latest technology. At  Opu Labs , we have created a community of manufacturers, consumers and trained individuals in the fields of skincare, law and business administration. We have come up with an ecosystem in which blockchain technology meets with skincare. Here, consumers are able to access, consume and share decentralised information on skincare. Manufactures and advertisers are abl