
Сообщения за сентябрь, 2018
PAYPERBLOCK - TURNING THE FREELANCING PLATFORM INTO A DISTRIBUTED AUTONOMOUS JOB MARKETPLACE PAYPERBLOCK is a blockchain-based freelancer platform, which is owned and operated by Payperblock Ltd and is used to connect professionals and jobs. The primary customer pool for the company includes freelancers who are blockchain experts and organizations. The company headquarters is located in Oulu, Finland, as the city is rich in terms of talent and resources for the technology industry. Payperblock operates on the same functionality principles as the popular cryptocurrency Ethereum. Instead of relying on a centralized authority system, Payperblock employs a distributed network of token holders (ICO investors) in the company.Freelancing is one of the fastest growing industries in the world, and the industry is already worth more than $1.5 trillion in revenue per year. Over 77 million people on the global scale identify their primary employment as a freelancing job. Almost al
TwoGap Crypto Platform for Crypto Investors The Opportunity to Acquire Puissant and More astronomically immense-Scale Stop-Loss Products Each age reliably seems to have another headway which drives her endeavors. The 21st century has had a few with the ultimate objective that has genuinely been particular points of interest. There was the time of the gold rush, the commencement of the web and now the progress in advancement. Blockchain development has been a groundbreaking opportunity to the 21st century. It might be verbally expressed to be the gold of the century The Twogap phase is denominated after the two-opening show circulated by Hollis Chenery in 1962. This model places that if the wander required for amelioration is a settled rate, hypothesis shortages would be the major restriction on advancement. What is Twogap? TwoGap Crypto Platform was framed to bring for Crypto Investors the chance to get great and greatest scale stop-infelicity items. It is called CryptoBond
BitSong - претендент на звание "Проект года" Утреннее радио, затем iPod в ушах, радио в машине, в супермаркете до объявления закрытия, по телевизору, в каждой рекламе - наша жизнь наполнена музыкой. Окружающий нас звуковой пейзаж очень разнообразен. Зачастую даже не мы его выбираем. С другой стороны, он всегда был частью нашей жизни. Музыка была предметом изучения для ученых. Например для специалистов по эволюции это настоящая головоломка: почему человек посвящает много времени и энергии таким мероприятиям, как игра на инструменте, танцы, посещение концерта или покупка компакт-диска? Большинство видов деятельности человека, такие как приём пищи, общение, занятие любовью, имеют очевидную биологическую цель. Мы едим, чтобы выжить, занимаемся любовью, чтобы иметь потомство, разговариваем друг с другом с целью развития или от скуки. Даже сотни лет назад, словесное общение, помогало нашим предкам-ораторам доносить информацию в широкие массы. Но музыка ? Почему музыка ?
Pool-of-Stake - Improved version of Proof-of-Stake What is Pool-of-Stake? Pool-of-Stake is a project that develop a first decentralized Pool for all Coin/Token belongs to the PoS line, share the chance of getting the reward of "coin forging" process to every token owner. Why was Pool-of-Stake born? Blockchain technology with distributed ledger has been changing our lives when it was considered and proposed for use in economics, education, medicine, not just in the form of cryptocurrency. Behind the advantages of speed, price, safety and convenience is the powerful computing system that operates continuously day and night. At present, the demand for energy for the mining process is based on the Proof-of-Work consensus algorithm, which is the reason why the Blockchain industry becomes a dirty industry for hash, consensus, share tokens and network maintenance. So, the Blockchain world is moving towards to another consensus algorithm, Proof-of-Stake. By using t
SCAVO - ICO APA ITU SCAVO? Teknologi Scavo adalah perusahaan blockchain inovatif yang didirikan di Argentina khusus dalam pembangunan infrastruktur pusat data untuk penambangan-kripto menggunakan sumber daya terbarukan. Ini menawarkan solusi cerdas, terukur, ramah lingkungan dengan kemampuan untuk memaksimalkan sumber daya energi dengan nol jejak karbon, alami dan mandiri. Simaklah videonya di bawah ini: Fitur Detail Token dan ICO Token SCAVO adalah token berdasarkan standar Ethereum ERC-20. Token SCAVO menjamin pemegangnya hak untuk: Menerima 100% dari keuntungan dari operasi penambangan kami melalui skema berikut. Sebuah. 80% dari yang dihasilkan oleh operasi penambangan akan segera dibayarkan. b. 20% dari apa yang dihasilkan oleh operasi penambangan akan diinvestasikan kembali untuk meningkatkan pembayaran di masa depan melalui pembaruan dan perubahan peralatan penambangan yang lebih efisien dan mencapai swadaya dari penambangan. Menerima 30% dari keuntunga
Goods Digital Passport Goods Digital Passport helps stop criminals on their way, literally, by tracking products using blockchain technology. This innovative function creates an inseparable, verifiable, decentralized digital chain between the product and its origin. For example, if the Regent Street store designated its products as a “Digital Goods Passport” consisting of a unique QR code and a hash-binding with a binding to the coat, all these elements will be easily traced. This means that if a criminal attempted to sell stolen goods, anyone willing to purchase this item could easily learn its origin with GDP and could view this information, and also know the actual owner through a unique QR code. The registration of items is simple and can save thousands of sellers, even millions of dollars a year. In addition, criminals are more likely to be restrained if they know that any given store uses this type of technology. Problematic on Multiple Platforms The counterfeit