DIW ~ Trust built in the Blockchain
The transfer and storage of personal data is a rather personal and touchy subject in most people’s lives as the data in question often comprises of intimate and private information. What makes most individuals skeptical about bringing their personal data online is the high rate at which sensitive data is being intercepted or stolen globally resulting in grave consequences for the victims.
For professionals who conduct their businesses online is not easy to get strangers to trust you as most fear being scammed or being left with substandard products, services or even nothing. Companies have not been spared of the scourge of online security breaches and some have even fallen victim to online scams.
Trust issues have negatively impacted the growth of cryptocurrencies resulting in only those online communities populated by those in the ‘know’ adopting the currencies while the mainstream shuns it.
DIW’s unique concept plans to put an end to the problems that I have highlighted above. The plan is to introduce a global blockchain based network which will be completely equipped with its own ecosystem and currency, hence the name DIW. The acronym DIW stands for ’ Digital Identification Wallet’ but the project’s scope of applications goes far beyond just a cryptocurrency wallet.

Personal Data Storage
DIW holders will be afforded access to a virtual secure vault, where they will be able to store their entire ‘Virtual Life’ including sensitive data such as passports, contracts, electronic health records and login details.
Decentralized Digital Identification Wallet
DIW intends to develop its own hardware wallet which will ensure maximum security for its premium members. The wallet will offer a decentralized security system in a world where online security has become of paramount importance.
The DIW token
Token holders can transact with other DIW identity holders including both individuals and businesses. The DIW Payment Gateway will also be introduced which will act as an easy check-out system and this gateway will provide individuals and businesses with the opportunity to pay and be paid using all major fiat as well as crypto currencies.
Paid Escrow Services
The DIW platform will offer a smart contract based escrow service that will safeguard transactions between parties. How the Escrow service will work is quite simple but genius, the party that requires the escrow’s protection will simply layout all the measures that need to be fulfilled by the end of the transaction and then pay a small fee in DIW tokens to cover the cost of the escrow smart contract service. This is most ideal when two parties are exchanging digital data and it solves the much dreaded question that usually arises in such transactions,’’ Who sends first?’’
Future Plans
DIW plans to extend its tentacles to the medical world as well ensuring the safekeeping, confirming and updating medical related records. This development will ensure that the patient i.e DIW account holder, will have full control of who has access to their medical records and also determine the amount of data the other party has access to.
ICO Token Sale
DIW is currently compiling their wishlist for those who want to get in on the token sale early, visit their website and register before time runs out
More Information on DIW
About the Author


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