Venus Energy Best New Concept Based on the Blockchain Technology

About VenusEnergy
We believe in the future of DLT
BlockChain is a rapidly developing technology, which is turning the world upside down – people have to move from standard thinking about centralized systems to decentralization and advantages thereof. However, such advantages also require both energy and computing capacities.
We believe in the future of DLT
BlockChain is a rapidly developing technology, which is turning the world upside down – people have to move from standard thinking about centralized systems to decentralization and advantages thereof. However, such advantages also require both energy and computing capacities.
We believe in clean enviroment
The increasing number of renewable energy sources and their use decrease global warming and the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which improves the condition of the earth from different perspectives.
The increasing number of renewable energy sources and their use decrease global warming and the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which improves the condition of the earth from different perspectives.
Our goal is to combine both of these aspirations
Renewable energy sources must be of great current interest for bitcoin miners. Using of renewable energy sources for the production of electric energy, which is to be used for the performance of bitcoin mining works, significantly decrease expenses on electricity, meaning that profit received for the works performed is bigger. Also, this leads to saving nature and decreasing the greenhouse effect.
Renewable energy sources must be of great current interest for bitcoin miners. Using of renewable energy sources for the production of electric energy, which is to be used for the performance of bitcoin mining works, significantly decrease expenses on electricity, meaning that profit received for the works performed is bigger. Also, this leads to saving nature and decreasing the greenhouse effect.
The organization starting from Lithuania has a decent business, in reality all organizations need to be a fantasy for a few people. Frequently they will attempt different endeavors to make all the best potential outcomes for their business. One of them is this venture which has a decent system to advertise their items. Well entirely are numerous tasks out there that are great, yet this undertaking has an altogether different favorable position that you can use to put resources into significant lots, in this way I will layout the manner in which the venture works
Being the Best organization in the entire world is a perfect for this venture, a successful organization that is as of now settled. With such an extensive number of items, obviously, it is an open door for the network to contribute on a national scale to keep on building up its business. this task needs to be the best venture in the entire world, not an outlandish thing, on the grounds that the assets claimed by this organization are extensive.
The Best Company in all nations isn’t an invention, if network fulfillment can keep on being kept up, so that sincerely they will wind up faithful speculators. Financial specialist faithfulness will positively affect organizations that need to keep on developing. The qualities obtained by speculators from organizations that give the best administration will be given a positive verbal, both through oral, and through existing media. The inexorably enormous utilization of the web with the nearness of brilliant specialized gadgets that are constantly associated (on the web) to the internet will affect the improvement of this organization. The undeniably down to earth white collar class, will discover a considerable measure of data from the web, which implies that the utilization of web indexes like Google will be much more noteworthy. In this way, the organization’s technique is to make financial specialists intrigued by utilizing administrations and putting resources into extensive stretches. This is one of the correct advances in the event that you go along with us.
As a built up organization, this organization is one of the pride of the entire world. Accomplishments have been accomplished and the global level acquired by this organization demonstrates that potential has the right to be “the best organization in the entire world”.
About Token
VenusEnergy ICO began on first of May 2018. Their token, the VENUS, is accessible for buying on their official site, at a cost of 0.00002900 ETH/Token.
VenusEnergy ICO began on first of May 2018. Their token, the VENUS, is accessible for buying on their official site, at a cost of 0.00002900 ETH/Token.
VENUS token holders would get vitality delivered from sustainable power sources; they would likewise get mining stage limits. It implies that the VenusEnergy holders will have the capacity to purchase mining power in VenusEnergy stage substantially less expensive than it will cost utilizing different monetary forms. The rebate for VENUS token holders might be somewhere in the range of 20% and 30%.
VenusEnergy ICO started on 1st of May 2018. Their token, the VENUS, is available for purchasing on their official website, at a price of 0.00002900 ETH/ Token.
VENUS token holders would receive energy produced from renewable energy sources; they would also receive mining platform capacities. It means that the VenusEnergy holders will be able to buy mining power in VenusEnergy platform much cheaper than it will cost using other currencies. The discount for VENUS token holders may be between 20% and 30%.
Ticker: VENUS
Platform: Ethereum
Token Type: ERC20
Pre-sale Price : 1 VENUS = 0.00000920 ETH
ICO Price: 1 VENUS = 0.00002900 ETH
Accepting: ETH
Soft cap: 500,000 USD
Hard cap: 50,000,000 USD
2017Q4: Idea
2018Q1: Pre-ico
2018Q2: ICO stage 1
2018Q3: ICO stage 2
2018Q4: ICO Stage 3
2019Q1: Project start
2019Q1: Start building renewable energy sources
2019Q4: End of renewable energy construction
2019Q4: Platform launch
Arnoldas Belozaravičius: CEO of VenusEnergy
Valdas lukauskas: COO of VenusEnergy
Tomas Ališauskas: CFO of VenusEnergy
Andrejus Semionovas: Programmer of VenusEnergy
Roman Lanskoj: Developer of VenusEnergy
Aurimas mickus: GC Manager of VenusEnergy
Greta Nagytė: Marketing Manager of VenusEnergy
Maksim Stulov: Advisor of VenusEnergy
Alexandra Shevchenko: Technical Advisor of VenusEnergy
Indrė Lukošiūtė: Advisor of VenusEnergy

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